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Trying to jot down any recourring dreams I've had over the years. Standard warning for any unreality / standard "creepy" dreams content, haha; though I'll try to note themes before each one.

Reocurring: spiders, drowning.

This one's been happening since I was a kid. The general overlay is being in some kind of empty doctor's office, or lab. (Very movie-esque, the sterilized walls and lights etc.) Eventually I come across a room and the floor is covered in huge dead spiders. (I normally recognize them as tarantulas.) For some reason I have to cross the room? And I can't stall my way out of avoiding it. It always just ends with me falling into a huge floor of dead spiders and drowning.

I can't place why this one is reocurring? I don't have an issue with spiders. I think they're pretty cool. My first look into a meaning for seeing tarantulas says it's supposed to represent a "serious problem." So, guess I'll have to figure that one our.

Reocurring: stalking / being watched, gore / blood.

This dream centers around myself being pursued by a serial killer. I can't recall exactly what he looks like, but I know he's supposed to be a European man, where in Europe exactly varies. For some reason I have been in repeated contact with said serial killer, the contact discomforts me and I try to avoid it; the contact includes emails, phone calls and text messages. If I ignore him for too long I feel threatened, and he gets progressively angrier. This all builds up to a trip to the mall with my family, where he will attempt to contact me through my cell phone. (I did not have a cell phone with me during one iteration of this dream, and I heard his voice through the back of my hand?) I will talk to him for about an hour before forceably hanging up to spend time with my family. When I get home a video will play on any screen closest to me, and I will be unable to leave the room it's in or turn it off. The screen with showcase the same man cutting up bodies of previous victims and skinning them alive; by the time it's finished he will be watching me from outside the closest window. It usually ends in myself being dismembered alive.

A weird one for sure. It still weirds me out to write or think about it for too long. Hopefully putting it out there will take some of the weight off, I suppose? Maybe it's important. Maybe I'll review "dream meanings" in regards to key themes in this reoccurring one. Someday. Haha.


I'm going for a weekly-ish diary updates page. It's easier to manage than daily ones.

5.6.2022: OK this week has just been me going over a ton of legal papers and running errands. Trying to finalize my legal name change has taken about six months at this point. I waited six weeks for my new ID card, received the wrong type of ID card, and was told at the ID location I had to wait until the end of May before checking if it got sent.

I managed to weasel my way into actually speaking to someone there and was told they just sent me the wrong ID card. I handed over my old one, signed documents for the correct one, and waited; and they still sent the wrong one. So I'm waiting for another "two to six weeks" for my proper ID card. I can't update a handful of legal information without the proper ID. Fun times.

I'm aiming to be re-employed for summer before focusing on schooling; at this point I might have to push back school further, since that's another thing I need the proper ID card for. Still a little bit annoyed that the my previous place of employment closed on pretty short notice, but I did get compensation pay.

On the bright side of things, my boyfriend is flying out here in the middle of May. We haven't seen each other in years, and I'm really looking forward to it. Here's to hoping flight restrictions don't change from now and then.